What Are Retrievable Tools
Crystal's retrieval tool and service valve can be used to insert or retrieve corrosion monitoring devices and injection quill from process systems operating under full pressure (up to 600 bar or 8700 psi). It can be used to retrieve a variety of sensors from high pressure access system or any conventional 2-inch access system. The tool is pressure tested at the factory to 6000 to 9000 psi for a working pressure of 3600 psi to 8500 (253 kg/cm2). The standard tool and service valve are suitable for operation between 0°F and 450°F (-18°C and 232° C). For operation at temperatures between -50°F and 250°F (-46°C and 121 °C), a low temperature version of both the tool and the service valve is available. The difference between the low and standard temperature versions is in the use of seal materials appropriate for each temperature range. The tool size or length of insertion is determined by the combined maximum pipeline size and the maximum height of any access fitting assembly with which the tool will be used. The length is defined as the distance that the plug/sensor assembly must travel to permit the service valve to close.
Crystal's retrieval tool is designed to operate strictly under mechanical principles, and the number of turns to completely seat or retract a component is a known constant. This allows the operator to have complete control over installation or removal, and is a distinct advantage over other models of retriever / access systems.